6 Tips to Reduce Anxiety During Pregnancy


                   Its Natural to feel anxious when you are pregnant.but if you feel anxious most of time and find difficult to relax or can't control it, then you may need help.First we will discuss about "what is Anxiety".

What Is Anxiety-

                Anxiety is your body's natural response to stress.Its a feeling of fear,worry, and unease about what to come.everyone can feel fear sometime,but some people may find hard to control that fear.
                In Pregnancy,some women feel stressed or guilty about feeling anxious when others expect from them be happy.but anxiety is just mental health condition,it not a sign of weakness.If you control it properly you can overcome with easily.
Anxiety symptoms can include-

1.Feeling Worried (Specially About your health,Baby).
2.Feeling Anxious all time or Sometime,not able to control it.
3.Difficulty falling or staying sleep.
4.Feeling irritable.
5.feeling sense of Fear.

Panic Attacks can come on very quickly,for no apparent reason,symptoms may include-

2.Shortness of Breath
3.Feeling Faint
5.A Racing Heartbeat
6.Chest pain
           Some Women can also have Depression in Pregnancy because of Anxiety.

How Common Anxiety in Pregnancy-

     More than 1 of 10 women experience anxiety in their pregnancy. hormonal changes during pregnancy may affect the chemicals in your brain which cause to anxiety.but there are other mood conditions which affect on your pregnancy also.

Causes Of  Anxiety In Pregnancy-

    Anyone can experience anxiety during pregnancy because of hormonal changes happens in body.
Pregnancy is a time where tremendous changes happens in mothers body.some of these feelings are welcomed and some of these feelings are uncomfortable and scary.

Medications For Anxiety-

   Generally person don't require any treatment if that person have mild cases of Anxiety.but for safer side you can tell to your doctor about your feelings.
    In Severe Cases doctor may recommend you medication after assessing risk and benefits.

Does Anxiety Affect on  Baby-

     Yes,Its Affects on your Babies health.You may be feeling Anxious during your pregnancy then you begin to worry if this is affecting on your baby.
    If you get right support and treatment then you can control your  anxiety.so try to focus on asking for help and findings to manage your stress.
    Be confident that you are doing in right way whatever you can do for your baby. 

How Should Cope up with Anxiety During Pregnancy-

      1.Talk About it.
     It is very important that you should share your feelings if you going through anxiety or stress.It could be your family member,your Partner,close Friend.simply sharing will help you to get help so that you can stay away from stress or anxiety which would be affect into your daily life.
     2.Find a Way.

    Exercise is very good option for lowering Any kind of stress or anxiety.It will help you to maintain your health as well as keep away from stress. Moving your body is best way to release stress.which include-

   Simply Do what you Love! Anything that gets your body moving can help.but keep in mind that before trying any new exercise first consult your doctor.

      3.Move Your Mind.

   You can try activities that help your body release endorphins without working up a sweat, including:

       -Massage therapy
       -Deep breathing exercises

   The American Institute of Stress recommends deep abdominal breathing for 20 to 30 minutes per day to help with anxiety. Doing so will help provide more oxygen to your brain and stimulate your nervous system.

   To try it, get in a comfortable seated position and close your eyes. Imagine yourself smiling inwardly and release tension in your muscles. Then visualize that there are holes in your feet. Breathe in and imagine the air circulating through your body. Exhale and repeat. 

    4.Take Rest.

   Its important to get enough sleep during pregnancy.which will helps you to reduce anxiety symptoms.so Take a nap whenever you feel urge.

   5.Write About It.

   If you thought that talking with loved ones or sharing your thoughts with someone is not working to reduce your stress,anxiety then you should start writing. All thoughts need some place to go. By writing a diary or letter you can empty your mind through this you will feel calm and peace.
  6.Talk To Doctor.

  If your anxiety is affecting your daily life, call your doctor. The sooner you get help, the better. You should never feel embarrassed about sharing your thoughts and feelings, especially if they concern you.

  Anxiety during pregnancy is common. It’s also depend on individuals, so what may work to help your friend may not alleviate your own worries. Keep the lines of communication open with the people you love, try some stress management techniques, and keep your doctor in the loop.

 The sooner you get help, the sooner you’ll be able to gain peace of mind for your health and the health of your growing baby

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