Natural Effective Home Remedies of Cold & Cough in kids


            As cough and cold are contagious,so kids get infected easily with this.You can easily treat cough and colds in young children without medications.Here are some home remedies for cold and cough for babies which is easy to prepare and you will get all ingredients easily at your dont have to go outside to buy these ingredients.
         Please keep in mind that before trying these remedies you should check age criteria.which is very important.Here how you can treat your child symptoms with the home remedies.


      If your kid having stuffy nose.Steam will help to loosen stuffed nose.turn the bathroom into steam room with the closed door and the shower on full hot.sit in there 15 to 20 helps to loosen the congestion and relieve some discomfort of colds.

     2-Honey (12 months and Above)-

     Honey is better than medicine to relieving cough in babies and helping sick toddler to getting sleep. "Honey is safe for children age 1 and older, and kids are happy to take it because it tastes good," says researcher Ian Paul, M.D., a member of the . Give half teaspoon of honey to children age of 1 to 5 and 1 teaspoon to age of 6 to 11.Never give honey to infants or below 1 yr. of babies.
   3-Turmeric Milk (2 yr and above)-

  As all of you know that turmeric is ancient medicine for various can get easily at home.It has antiseptic properties which treat viral infection such as cough and cold.Add turmeric powder in 1 glass of warm milk and have your child at every night which will provide instant relief for sore throat and runny nose in child.

    4-Massage oil

  Massage oil works wonder for infant as well as kids.Mix garlic in mustard oil.just warm it and massage your baby's chest,back,neck also massage hand palm and feet with oil.cover it with sock for instant relief.  
    5-Saline drops-

      Saline drops helps dilute mucus which helps keep clear your child nasal prepare homemade saline drops dissolve half teaspoon salt in 8 ounce warm water.(discard within 24 hours to avoid bacteria contamination)and put 2-3 drops in each not use saline drops for more than 4 days in row.

     6-Keep hydrated

      Warm liquids make excellent solution to treat toddlers cough because they thin out the mucus,which makes kids to easier to cough up.liquids soothe the raw throat ,so that try to keep your child can give your child warm water,fruit juice,vegetable soup.for infant, Breastfeeding is best solution to keep them hydrate.

     7-Carom Seed (1 yr and above)-

  Carom seeds,Basil leaves helps to relieve cough and cold .In a boiling water add half spoon of carom seed and Basil leaves(Tulsi leaves).boil that water for 10 min.give that solution to your child 3 times in also helps to relive chest congestion.

     8-Gargling with salt water (3 yrs and above)-

        This is the easiest way to sooth your toddler's throat.If your kid is younger then you can try this remedy.Simply mix one-half tablespoon of salt in 8 ounce water and give solution to children to gargle.Make sure that your child spit out this solution without swallowing it.


       Keep humidifier in your child room to help to loosen the chest and nasal congestion which is great remedy for kids coughing at night. bacteria and mold grows quickly so change the water daily and thoroughly clean the can use instruction on manual guide of that product.


     Rest is important for child to fight with virus.give maximum rest to child.because of discomfort they become be patient with them.try to stay close with them.

    When to See Doctor-

 If you are treating your child with home remedies,but child is not getting that much relief ,difficulty in breathing,badly coughing at night,high fever,slowing down daily activity then you should consult to your pediatrician.

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